day to day, heart and soul

Life and Lessons

Sharing some of the life lessons the past year has reminded me, through these adorable animals. And sharing an excerpt from one amazing author who earned his success after ’30s. So you guys out there over 30 and you still haven’t figured out which pathway works well for you, just keep trying. If all else fails, you didn’t fail at trying, if that makes sense

“Once you pass a certain age, life becomes nothing more than a process of continual loss.

Things that are important to your life begin to slip out of your grasp, one after another, like a come losing teeth.

And the only things that come to take their place are worthless imitations. Your physical strength, your hopes, your dreams, your ideals, your convictions, all meaning, or then again, the people you love: one by one, they fade away.

Some announce their departure before they leave, while others just disappear all of a sudden without warning one day. And once you lose them you can never get them back

Your search for replacements never goes well. It’s all very painful – as painful as actually being cut with a knife”

-Haruki Murakami, 1Q84

We just merely don’t exist for nothing. There is a greater purpose, despite all of this. I’m sure.

There are still a lot of good things we can be thankful for and a heart full of gratitude can make everything seems more.

Focus on the things that matter and those that bring us joy. Not just temporary happiness, but one that lasts for a lifetime.

Life may seem like a constant struggle, but loving those who love us makes it all worth it. So love everything, and love your life.